Welcome to Little John Golf League
founded in 1971
*** Congratulations to Doug Demshar - Hole in one! on #13 @ Bay Forest***
The 2024 LJGL Memorial League Championship is here.
October 5th and 6th with the first round on Saturday at Eagle Pointe and the 2nd round on Sunday at Windrose. The entry fee will be $195 for both days + $40 for skins. The first groups will tee off at 9:00 each day so be sure to be checked in no later than 8:30 on Saturday morning. I will be sending out a notification the week before the MLC with the expected payouts. We will have our annual meeting and trophy presentation on Sunday after the round. A reminder that you had to participate in at least 10 paid rounds during the 2024 season to qualify.
Hope to see y'all there!!